Motivational Mondays: Regaining Focus!

Photo Credit: kevin dooley via Compfight cc

Sometimes we lose focus on the bigger picture. Just 2 months ago I was excited to start my post-collegiate life. I had dreams of becoming the next 30 under 30. I was longing to move to a big city. Los Angeles was my 1st choice but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t settle for San Francisco or Orange County. I just never expected to live in a suburb for as long as I’ve been living here.

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Going through training…

Photo By David Marcu

I was recently hired as a part time Assistant Manager for a clothing store called Maurices. The clothes are amazing. The people are funny (a little extreme sometimes) but nevertheless are perfect to work with. However, since working there I have had a lot of mishaps that I have been writing about on my Facebook page as opposed to my blog. Stories that honestly could be written here. So I’m going to write a bit about whats been going on here “job” wise with fun pictures and etc.

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Ashlee Cee to Ashley Clayton: My social media Journey

Download / By Jay Wennington

I remember when Myspace first came on the scene. I was obsessed with it. I ran a Myspace layout site, attempted to be a site model, and had several role play accounts (yes I was an anime role player). When Facebook started rising in popularity I switched over and instantly attempted to learn how to use the site and became just as obsessed. Now years later I have fallen in love with all forms of social media.

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